Number Ninjas Starting Soon
Date: TBA
Number Ninjas is Bentley Elementary's Math Club for fourth and fifth graders. Students who are invited to attend math club have been selected by their teachers. We meet most Wednesdays from 7:50AM to 8:25AM. We play math games and solve problems in preparation for math competition in the spring.
This year we are excited to welcome teacher-recommend second and third graders to our Number Ninjas Jr. Team. Our second and third grade Ninja's will meet at the same time as our fourth and fifth grade Ninjas, but will work separately. They will enjoy intriguing math games, puzzles, and competitions within the club to help them prepare for joining the fourth and fifth grade Number Ninjas Team. Our third graders will be invited to come to the spring competition to cheer our older friends and to experience the competition first-hand in preparation for competing the following year.
Be on the lookout for your invitation to come home soon!