Bentley History

Altermese Bentley Elementary School is a hidden jewel of Sanford's educational options. Our school's namesake was a retired educator, historian and author that wanted a safe environment for students to have a learning experience that is positive. We take that to heart at Bentley and have created a place where we are a family in every sense of the word. Our school serves approximately 1000 students from VPK to fifth grade. Our motto is "We Do It Better Together," and we really take that motto to heart by incorporating it into everything we do.

Using a Blended Learning approach, Bentley strives to incorporate Science, Technology, Engineering, the Arts, and Math into every subject area while also working on those soft skills (communication, collaboration, critical thinking) that are in high demand by employers.

Bentley's Team approach uses a positive behavior system in which every classroom is assigned to a color team. Color teams and individual students compete to see who can earn the most "warm fuzzies" for the year by reaching their academic and behavior goals. Throughout the year students work collaboratively in their classrooms and with their "buddy class" to complete academic S.T.E.A.M. challenges and behavior goals to earn "warm fuzzies."

Bentley students are thrilled when their collaborative team efforts earn them monthly positive behavior celebrations, trimester reading festivities and math celebrations. Those celebrations include hip hop dances, ice cream socials, picnics and popsicles in the park, movies with popcorn and so much more. Bentley's color teams turn goal setting into something fun and exciting that embraces Bentley's motto of "We do it better together!"

Our Founder

Ms. Altermese Smith-Bentley
Ms. Altermese Smith-Bentley

Ms. Bentley was a retired educator, historian, and author. The safe environment for learning desired by Mrs. Bentley guides us as we make the learning experience positive for all. Shared cooperation and expectations between home and school will ensure that each student reaches his/her fullest potential during each school year.


Bentley Elementary is committed to creating a nurturing and safe environment where students excel and diversity is appreciated. By working together with the home and the community, we challenge students to reach their maximum potential.


  • To create and maintain a safe, positive, caring and supportive environment.

  • To provide the highest quality educational experience that includes rigorous and relevant academics, arts, and athletic programs.

  • To support educational achievement of students, teachers, and staff by exceeding expectations for efficiency, effectiveness, and planning.

  • To engage students, parents, educational staff, business partners, and community members in shared responsibility for student achievement.

  • To encourage and support effective use of 21st learning skills and technology.

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